#Android portal 2 image Patch#
Portal has the bonus test chambers from Portal: Still Alive and the updated ending and ARG content from the PC version's 2010 patch included, and both games include motion control aiming as an option.

Portal 2 (2011): The sequel that takes place an unspecified amount of time after the original.It included bonus test chambers and new achievements, but no new content in the main game. Portal: Still Alive (2008): A standalone port of the first game for Xbox Live Arcade, separated from The Orange Box.Originally released as one of the five games included in The Orange Box.

Portal (2007): The relatively short game that started it all, chronicling Chell's journey as GLaDOS guides her through a series of test chambers in the Enrichment Center.The game features the protagonist Chell, a human who woke up as an unwilling test subject in the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, a research facility which has become completely abandoned, save for the personality of the insane central A.I. As the name implies, the core gameplay element of the Portal games deals with using a "portal gun" to create doorway-type portals in order to solve physics based puzzles. Portal is a First Person Puzzle Platformer video game series created by Valve that takes place in the same universe as the Half-Life series.